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Tyler Fitch

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Youth Nationals experience kicks off with Opening Ceremonies on your first day of the tournament which usually starts late afternoon/evening. As we get closer to the event we will have an itinerary that will indicate the exact time your team goes! This event includes a DJ, fun & games, parade of teams & time to trade pins! On the last day of the tournament is where Finalists compete for the coveted title of Youth Baseball Nationals CHAMPIONS!

  • All Pre-Order Entertainment Passes will be available for pick up at Check-In/Opening Ceremonies at the Entertainment Pass station. After Check-In/Opening Ceremonies, all passes will be available for pick up in the Fan Shop (merchandise tent).
  • All pre-ordered passes MUST be picked up before Day 3 of Games. Your pass will NOT be available at the Entertainment Park. If you show up to the Entertainment Park without your pass, you WILL have to buy a ticket at their price at the gate in order to enter.
  • Coaches will be given all player and coaches passes at Check-In.
  • All Pre-ordered passes purchased through Youth Nationals are non-refundable.
Entertainment passes can be purchased in our Fan Shop (merchandise tent) anytime before the third day of Games. You will NOT be able to purchase them for our special rate at the entertainment park.
Your coach will receive all tournament shirts ordered by anyone on your team at check-in.
Your Team Contact can log into your Team Portal here. Your Team Portal must be 100% complete, BEFORE your team will be placed on the Game Schedule (5-7 days prior). Please note that your team portal must be completed one month before the event starts. For questions regarding your Registration or Payments, you may contact us at [email protected].

Every team can include up to 2 players who meet the grade eligibility criteria on their roster. If a team exceeds this limit, they must participate in the age group above their current one. Failure to comply with this rule, resulting in more than 2 players above the specified requirements, will lead to immediate disqualification from the tournament.

Our rules state that one player must be born after January 1st of the calendar year of the event they participate in, and another player must be born within 30 days of the age cutoff.

Youth Nationals is a Stay to Play tournament. All hotels must be booked through Athletx Travel. You can view the lodging guide and book your hotels by clicking on this link.
You can purchase pins from anywhere you wish! For more information please visit the pin trading page.

All Team Raise information and applications can be found here.
For additional questions, contact us at [email protected].

The game schedule will be available one week prior to the event.
We will send out an email to notify all parents and coaches when these become available. If you have any questions regarding this please contact us at [email protected].

Teams will participate in the following: 60 yard dash, Pitchers Velocity, Catchers Pop Time, Coaches Fungo, Around the Horn, and Home Run Derby,

As stated in our payment terms above and on the registration page, all deposits and subsequent monies for registration fees are non-refundable payments. Regardless of circumstances that may arise to cause your team to drop from the tournament, no deposits will be refunded. For this reason, please make sure your team is 100% fully committed before submitting any payments towards your team entry fees. In certain situations, if your team still needs to drop, we may extend a percentage credit towards the next calendar year’s event and this credit may also be applied to another team within your organization. See the guidelines below:

  • Drop 60+ days prior to your event, 80% credit for the following year.
  • Drop 30-59 days prior to your event, 60% credit for the following year.
  • Drop 15-30 days prior to your event, 50% credit for the following year.
  • Drop less than 14 days prior to your event, no refund for the following year.

Wait! Before You Go...

Don’t forget to download your free info pack and win your team a $2500 rebate!